What do You Mean By the Fashion ?

What is Fashion ?

When we are asking, what do you mean by the fashion ? I know several people give difference answers just like,

Degree of satisfaction

Fashion is an imitation

Fashion is an innovation

Fashion is a style

Fashion is market spreading style

Fashion is art

Fashion is dimension of time 

However above statements are true but not completely true, therefore In this blog post I wish to explain you firstly why people wear cloths?. My answer is to protect their body and to fulfill comfort of body, modesty and in this people try to close and hide unwanted parts of their body and it is depended on their culture, religion and geographical location. Next thing is attraction and, here some people just like women likes to get an attraction and it may be sexual attraction and aesthetic attraction. The last function is communication. Here I hope describe about this and communication can be represented by cloths. For an example by police uniform we can quickly identified police officer. Another example is by aiding school uniform we can identify government school student quickly. When we more discussing with clothing we met requirements of clothing and they are,

Physiology of clothing

Under this topic we can categorized heat insulation, ventilation, moisture absorption and moisture transmission criteria.

Special requirements of protective clothing

In this topic we can list rain, snow, wind, mechanical, bacterial protection. 

Psychological requirement of clothing 

Under the psychological requirement of clothing we can list colour, design, style, popularity, etc. 

I think now you will be able to explain importance of clothing and, now I hope to turn about fashion. Fashion can be explained as style/ styles that are most popularity at given time period and it contains three major element and they are styles, acceptance, and timeline. Fashion and fashion behavior can be explained using fashion cycle. Fashion cycle has several stages and I wish to describe them one by one.

Introductory Period/ Introduction

After completion of production, whole styles are release to the fashion and apparel market. But consumer does not know more about this product because this is novel product hence, company sales and profitability will be reduced.

Growing Period/ Growth

After completion of few time this novel fashion spread highly in the market consumer attraction will be increase hence, company sales volume and profitability will be growth.

Maturity Period

In this period popularity of this novel style reach to maximum and it shows highest sales and highest profitability to company among spreading on market. This will happen according to the consumer more and more attraction to purchase particular product.

Decline Period

According to the most popularity of this style, different competitors try to copy this product and become duplicate products in the fashion market. Therefore customer attraction divided by several alternatives hence, company sales volume and profitability will be deducted and reach to decline.


After completion of decline period this fashion reach to out of fashion and consumer attract to another novel design hence, this product is disappeared in society. Finally sales agents try to give sales promotions by reducing price range and manufacturing operation of particular style is stop. And next, product development team try to produce and design newest fashion proposals.  

Having studied this article, you will be able to describe what fashion is?


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